Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


A busy monday for the crew

5 years ago - Monday 21st October
1145 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Takapau for an infant child with an anaphylactic reaction – the baby was flown to Hawke’s Bay hospital for follow up.
1500 hours Tasked by Rescue Coordination Centre to investigate a beacon activation near Waipataki Beach – the helicopter was stood down en route.
1645 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Waipukurau to a female patient aged in her 40’s, who was choking on a chicken bone – she was flown to Hawkes Bay Hospital for treatment.

Wairoa Hospital Transfer

5 years ago - Sunday 20th October
0100 hours flew to Wairoa with a DHB flight team to a male patient aged in his 70’s, with a medical condition

PLB Activation

5 years ago - Saturday 19th October
2000 hours tasked by Rescue Coordination Centre to a PLB activation at Pukeokahu (near Taihape) to a hunter in the bush. The helicopter was stood down en route by police because the patient was deceased.

Waipukurau Medical Emergency

5 years ago - Friday 18th October
1600 hours Responded by the Air Desk to Waipukurau to a female patient with a post partum haemorrhage – she was flown to Hawkes Bay Hospital for follow up treatment.

Waihau Rescue

5 years ago - Thursday 17th October
1300 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Waihau (near Mohaka township) to a male patient with a medical condition – he was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for follow up treatment.

Bus rollover in Whakaki

5 years ago - Monday 14th October
1630 hours Tasked by the Air Desk to Whakaki (near Nuhaka) to female patient aged in her 50’s who was involved in a motor vehicle accident, when she sustained serious head injuries. The patient was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for follow up treatment.

Wairoa Hospital Transfer

5 years ago - Sunday 13th October
1600 hours Flew to Wairoa to a male patient aged in his 70’s with a medical condition – he was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for follow up treatment

Wairoa Patient

5 years ago - Wednesday September 11th
0230 hours Tasked to Wairoa to a female patient with severe respiratory distress. The fog rolled in and the helicopter could not return to Hastings until daylight, so the patient was transported by a Wairoa based road ambulance, with patient care provided by our Intensive Care Paramedic

Cardiac Condition

5 years ago - Saturday 5th October
1130 hours flew a male patient, aged in his 70’s, with a cardiac condition directly to Wellington Hospital.

Cardiac Patient

5 years ago - Friday 4th October
1530 hours flew to Wairoa with a DHB flight team to retrieve a cardiac patient. The patient had passed away before our arrival in Wairoa. The rescue helicopter transported a teenage male patient who sustained an arm injury whilst playing rugby – he was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for follow up treatment.

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