Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Ship Rescue

6 years ago - Monday 21st January
Tasked to rendezvous with a container ship 50 NM at sea off East Cape to extract a crewman with a medical condition – the crewman was successfully winched off the deck of the ship and flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for assessment and treatment. The TECT Trustpower Rescue Helicopter from Tauranga was involved in the missions to provide back up and support in the unlikely event of the mission not going to plan

Mountain Biking Accident

6 years ago - Sunday 20 January
1600 Responded to an accident at Eskdale Mountain Bike Park for a 42 year old male who sustained arm injuries after falling from his bike. He was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Car Accident

6 years ago - Friday 18 January
0850 Responded to a car accident at Te Haroto for a 65 year old female who sustained head injuries. She was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Northern Hawke's Bay Rescue Missions

6 years ago - Thursday 17 January
2100 Responded to Mahia to a male patient who had received finger and abdominal injuries from a grinder. He was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
2230 Responded to Wairoa Hospital for a 13yo female with abdominal pain. She was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Wairoa Hospital

6 years ago - Tuesday 15 January
1400 Transported a male patient with stroke like symptoms from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Stroke like symptom patient

6 years ago - Monday 14 January
0900 The Rescue Helicopter was tasked to Mahanga Beach on the Mahia Peninsula to a male a patient aged in his 50’s with sudden onset of stroke like symptoms. The patient was initially assessed by the St John Paramedics in Mahia before calling the Rescue Helicopter. The Rescue Helicopter landed on the beach to uplift the patient, who was initially in a serious condition, he was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment.

Hospital Transfers

6 years ago - Sunday 13th January
0650 Transported a 26 year old male with a facial injury from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
0900 Transported a male patient with a head injury from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital

Two rescue missions to the Wairoa region

6 years ago - Friday 11th January
0500 Responded to Wairoa Hospital to transport a male patient, in his 60’s with respiratory problems, to Hawkes Bay Hospital.
2000 Flew to Tuai to retrieve a female child who suffered multiple injuries after falling from a tree, initially she was assessed by St John road ambulance crew from Wairoa, then the child was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Two Central Hawke's Bay Missions

6 years ago - Thursday 10 January
1500 Tasked to Takapua in Central Hawkes Bay to a female patient who suffered a medical event, she was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment.
1700 Responded to an address in Herbertville, where a female horse rider was injured in a horse-riding accident – she was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for treatment.

Mahia rescue mission

6 years ago - Wednesday 9 January
1515 Flew to Mahia for a male patient aged in his 60’s, who suffered a medical event, his condition was assessed as serious so he was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment.

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