Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Waimarama Patient

6 years ago - Saturday 29 December
• 1700 Transported a 50 year old male patient, who had suffered a heart attack, from Waimarama to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment

Wairoa Patient

6 years ago - Friday 28 December
• 1930 Transported a male patient with back injuries from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital

Tutira Patient

6 years ago - Wednesday 26 December
• 1630 Responded to a walking track east of Tutira for a female who had fallen and sustained ankle injuries. Due to low cloud and drizzle the helicopter was not able to reach the patient.

Christmas Day

6 years ago - Tuesday 25 December
• 1100 Responded by Police to search for a group ( 4 adults and a child ) of trampers overdue from the Barlow Hut in the Ruahines. Due to low cloud and drizzle the helicopter crew navigated up the Waipawa river and then into the Ruahines. On reaching the Barlow Hut the trampers were located safe and sound but isolated by a flooded river. The trampers were flown back to their car at a farm.
• 2300 Transported a female patient with medical condition from Wairoa Hospital to Hawkes Bay Hospital

Patient with back injuries

6 years ago - Friday 21 December
• 1930 Transported a male patient with back injuries from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital

Wairoa Hospital

6 years ago - Wednesday 19 December
• 1210 Responded to Wairoa Hospital for a male patient in his 60’s who had a fall at home and sustained head injuries. He was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Cardiac Patient

6 years ago - Tuesday 18 December
• 1230 Transported a female patient with cardiac issues from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital

Three rescue missions this Monday

6 years ago - Monday 17 December
• 1400 Responded to a location north of Wairoa for a male child suffering leg injuries after a car vs bicycle accident
• 1550 tasked by Police to the Waipawa River to search for an overdue fisherman, a body was found on the river bed.
• 1630 Transported a female patient with fractured ribs and breathing problems from Wairoa to Hastings Hospital.

Vital Hospital Transfers

6 years ago - Saturday 15 December
• 1425 Flew to Wairoa to meet St John Ambulance with a female patient with stroke-like symptoms, she was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment.
• 1630 Transported a male patient with cardiac problems from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital.

Waipawa River Search

6 years ago - Thursday 13 December
• 1030 Tasked by police to search the Waipawa River for a fisherman who was two days overdue, the search was unsuccessful.

Principal Sponsor

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