Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email
7 years ago - Saturday December 30th
Time = 12:15
Responded to Porongahau to male patient in his 80’s, suffering a suspected stroke – he was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment.
Time = 23:40
Transported a 2 year old child with a medical condition from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital.
7 years ago - Tuesday December 26th (Boxing Day)
Time = 14:40
Transported a 57 year old male patient with a cardiac condition from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital, for further treatment.
7 years ago - Monday December 25th (Christmas Day)
Time = 14:45
Transported an elderly man suffering from a suspected stroke from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
Time = 17:30
Transported a 57 year old male patient with a cardiac condition from Hawke’s Bay Hospital to Wellington Hospital, for further treatment.
Time = 21:50
Responded to Te Puia Lodge on the Mohaka River to a 55 year old male with a head injury following a fall – he was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further assessment and treatment.
7 years ago - Friday 22 December
1230 Transported a 71yo male with head trauma from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
1540 Transported a 27 day old baby with breathing problems from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
7 years ago - Thursday 21 December
0600 Transported a male patient who having seizures from Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
1220 The rescue helicopter was responded to Porangahau for a 64 year old male who sustained a serious lung injury following a fall at home. He was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for further treatment.
1600 Transported a male patient with cardiac problems from at Wairoa Hospital to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
1750 Flew two doctors from Hawkes Bay Hospital’s ICU department to Gisborne Hospital to care for a seriously ill neonate until doctors from Starship arrived..
7 years ago - Wednesday 20 December
0700 The rescue helicopter was responded to Wairoa to meet St John Ambulance with an 80 year old female who had a stroke. She was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.
7 years ago - Tuesday 19 December
1230 Flew into Urewera Ranges to retrieve a father and son who were overdue from a tramp. The pair have been missing since Sunday night, and were found by LandSAR searchers. The father was unable to walk due to an ankle injury. Father and son were both retrieved by winch from very steep terrain and were transported to the DOC Visitor Centre at Lake Waikaremoana.
7 years ago - Monday 18 December
1430 The rescue helicopter was responded to a farm house inland from Lake Tutira for a male patient in his 70’s with a medical condition; he was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.
7 years ago - Sunday 17 December
1100 The rescue helicopter was responded to a farm inland from Wairoa by the Rescue Coordination Centre for a PLB (personal locator beacon) activation. A 62 year old male sustained pelvis and abdominal injuries from a quad bike that rolled down a steep hill. He was winched into the helicopter and was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.
7 years ago - Saturday 16 December
0130 The rescue helicopter was responded to Porangahau for a 47 year old female who sustained a fracture/dislocation of her ankle in an accident at home. She was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.
2100 The rescue helicopter was responded to a farm house at Elsthorpe for a 2 year old male with breathing difficulties, he was transported to Hawke’s bay Hospital for further treatment.