Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Rescue from Otane

8 years ago - 3rd March (23:30) The rescue helicopter was responded to a farm at Otane for a female with a dislocated hip. She was transported to Hawke's Bay Hospital for further treatment.

PLB Activation near Mohaka River

8 years ago - 26 Feb (14:30) The rescue helicopter was responded by the Rescue Coordination Centre to search for a PLB beacon that was activated in the Kaweka’s near the Mohaka river. A group was located on the riverbank and a male in his 20’s had sustained leg injuries from jumping into the river and landing on sharp rocks. The male was loaded into the helicopter and transported to Hawke's Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Accident in Putorino

8 years ago - 25 Feb (21:40) The rescue helicopter was responded to Putorino for a male in his 30’s with an arm laceration. He was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

8 years ago - 24 Feb (20:30) Transported a male patient experiencing renal complications from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Medical Emergency in Mangoarapa

8 years ago - 23 Feb (00:30) Airlifted a female from a rural Mangoarapa address, who was suffering a medical emergency. She was transported to Hawkes Bay Hospital for further treatment.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

8 years ago - 19 Feb (12:00) Transported a male patient experiencing renal complications from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

8 years ago - 18 Feb (09:00) Transported a female patient and new born baby from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

8 years ago - 14 Feb (16:00) Transported a male patient experiencing respiratory complications from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

8 years ago - 13 Feb (21:00) Transported a female patient experiencing medical complications from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Trail Bike Accident at Ashley Clinton

8 years ago - 11:00 - The rescue helicopter was responded to a farm at Ashley Clinton for a male in his 30’s who had sustained suspected head and neck injuries from a fall off a motor bike while on a trail bike ride. He was transported to Hawke’s Bay Hospital for further treatment.

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