Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Cardiac patient, Ambulance handover and a dislocated hip

2 years ago - Friday 28th October
• 0619 hours Tasked by Air Desk to meet a St John Ambulance for a helipad handover of a patient suffering a cardiac condition requiring immediate transfer to Wellington Hospital. Whilst on the Wellington transfer the Hawke’s Bay Hospital required a helicopter to transport a patient, with a serious facial injury, to Wellington Hospital, so the Palmerston North Hospital flew to Hastings to complete this mission for our Hospital.
• 1123 hours Whilst on the return from Wellington tasked by Air Desk to meet a St John Ambulance at Waipukurau Airfield for handover of a patient with a cardiac condition requiring immediate transfer to Wellington Hospital. Our team liaised with the Palmerston crew to meet up in Wellington and bring the Hawke’s Bay nurse back home.
• 1527 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Tuai, to a 72 y/o male had fallen and dislocated his hip, he was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

MVA transported to Gisborne Hospital

2 years ago - Thursday 27th October
• 1736 hours Tasked by Air Desk to an MVA at Te Karaka near Gisborne, where a 23 y/o female, involved in the head on accident, suffered multiple injuries, she was flown to Gisborne Hospital

A five patient day

2 years ago - Wednesday 26th October
• 1135 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a Flight Nurse and our Critical care Paramedic to retrieve 2 patients – firstly a 24 y/o female with a head injury sustained in an MVA, and secondly a 50 y/o male patient with a cardiac condition.
Whilst in Wairoa the Air Desk required a helicopter to meet a St John road ambulance at the helipad for handover of a male patient from Haumoana, with a cardiac condition, and requiring immediate transfer to Wellington Hospital. The helicopter from Palmerston North flew to Hastings and accepted the patient handover at our helipad,
• 1517 hours Tasked by Air Desk to fly to Elsthorpe to a 2 y/o female child suffering an anaphylactic reaction after being stung by a bee.
• 1622 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a flight nurse to retrieve a 47 y/o male patient with a cardiac condition.
• 1820 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a flight nurse to retrieve a 45 y/o male patient with injuries sustained in a motor bike accident.

Double patient transfer from Wairoa

2 years ago - Tuesday 25th October
• 1320 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a flight nurse to retrieve 2 patients, a 48 y/o female and a 74 y/o male, both with medical conditions requiring transport to Hawke’s bay Hospital

Two cardiac transfers and a stand down

2 years ago - Sunday 23rd October
• 0110 hours At the request of hospital flew a 70 y/o female patient with a cardiac condition, accompanied by a Doctor and Flight Nurse to Wellington hospital.
• 1220 hours Tasked by Air Desk to fly to Wairoa, but stood down en route when advised the patient had deceased.
• 1449 hours Tasked by Air Desk to await arrival of a St John Ambulance for helipad handover of a 59 y/o male patient with a cardiac condition requiring immediate transfer to Wellington hospital.

Motor bike roll over

2 years ago - Saturday 22nd October
• 1939 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Rissington to a motor bike rollover where a teenage male patient suffered leg injuries.

Hospital Transfer from Wairoa

2 years ago - Thursday 20th October
• 1945 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a Doctor and Flight Nurse with a 59 y/o female to transport the end of life patient to be nearer to her family

Morning, afternoon and night missions

2 years ago - Tuesday 18th October
• 0930 hours At the request of the hospital transported a 17 y/o female patient from the Psych unit at Hawke’s Bay Hospital to the special care unit at Keneperu Hospital in Wellington.
• 1500 hours At the request of hospital flew to Wairoa with a doctor and Flight Nurse to retrieve a 20 y/o female patient with a medical condition.
• 1930 hours At the request of Police flew to Aramoana to a report of a fisherman who had drowned, sadly the man had deceased before our arrival, and the body had been recovered by a nearby fisherman.

Cardiac condition and a fall from a balcony

2 years ago - Monday 17th October
• 0655 hours Tasked by Air Desk to fly to Eskdale to meet a St John road ambulance with a 59 y/o male patient with a cardiac condition requiring transport direct to Wellington Hospital
• 2210 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Waimarama to a report of a person having fallen from a balcony, the helicopter was stood down en route when advised that we were not required.

Cardiac transfer, pregnancy complications and a broken arm

2 years ago - Sunday 16th October
• 0900 hours At the request of the hospital flew a 54 y/o male patient suffering from a heart attack, accompanied by a Doctor and Flight Nurse, to Wellington Hospital.
• 1300 hours At the request of the hospital flew to Wairoa with a flight nurse and midwife, to retrieve a 35 y/o female with pregnancy complications.
• 1700 hours At the request of the hospital flew to Wairoa, with a flight nurse and our Critical Care Flight Paramedic to retrieve a 5 y/o boy with a fractured arm, as a result of a fall at home.

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