Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Te Haroto MVA

3 years ago - Wednesday 9th June
• 1523 hours Tasked by Air Desk to an MVA at Te Haroto. When road ambulance arrived on scene it was determined the helicopter crew was not required so the helicopter returned to Base.

Wellington Transfer after big trip to Christchurch

3 years ago - Saturday 5th June
After the required rest period for the crew the helicopter returned from Christchurch to Hastings base at 1615 hours.
• 1630 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wellington Hospital with an ICU Doctor and Flight Nurse and a male patient requiring cardiac treatment in Wellington.

Transfer to Christchurch for Spinal Patient

3 years ago - Friday 4th June
• 1511 hours At the request of Police responded to an incident requiring a water rescue. Soon after take-off the helicopter was stood down when advised that Coast Guard had attended the incident.
• 2012 hours Tasked by Air Desk to meet a road ambulance at Napier Airport for tarmac handover of a male rugby player with spinal injuries requiring transfer directly to Burwood Spinal Unit in Christchurch – the helicopter landed in Christchurch at 45 minutes past midnight.

Wairoa Hospital

3 years ago - Thursday 3rd June
• 1330 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wairoa with an ICU Doctor and Flight Nurse to retrieve a female patient with a medical condition.

Spinal injuries in Kereru and reports of stabbing in Napier.

3 years ago - Wednesday 2nd June
• 0900 hours Tasked by Air Desk to a farmhouse at Kereru where a male had fallen whilst painting the house and sustained spinal injuries – he was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital
• 1200 hours Tasked by Air Desk to a park in Marewa in suburban Napier to a report of a person injured in a stabbing incident – on arrival it was found that the injuries were minor and the helicopter was not required.

Burns Patient

3 years ago - Sunday 30th May
1340 hours Awaited the arrival of a St John Road Ambulance for a helipad handover of a patient with significant burns from a hot water spill and requiring immediate transfer to Hutt Hospital. The patient was flown to Hutt under the clinical care of our Intensive Care Paramedic.

Cardiac Patient

3 years ago - Friday 28th May
1150 hours Awaited the arrival of a St John Road Ambulance for a helipad handover of a patient with a cardiac condition requiring immediate transfer to Wellington Hospital. The patient was flown to Wellington under the clinical care of our Intensive Care Paramedic.

Patient with chest injuries

3 years ago - Sunday 23rd May
• 1740 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Ruapunga to an MVA where a male patient suffered chest injuries – he was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Waipukurau Motorbike accident

3 years ago - Saturday 22nd May
• 1050 hours Tasked by Air Desk to a farm address in Waipukurau where a male patient was involved in a motor bike accident where he sustained back injuries – he was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Lifesaving missions for the region

3 years ago - Thursday 20th May
• 0630 hours Requested by HBDHB to fly to Wairoa Hospital with a Paediatric Doctor, Nurse and midwife to attend a new born baby – the new born baby was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
• 1454 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Takapua to a female patient suffering an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting – the patient was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
• 1700 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Ashhurst to what was believed to be a cardiac event requiring immediate transport to Wellington Hospital. The chest pain resolved before our arrival so the helicopter was stood on en route.
• 2350 hours At the request of DHB flew to Wairoa with an ICU Doctor and Flight nurse to an infant child with respiratory distress – the young child was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

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