Mission Log

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Below you will find a summary of our recent missions. Our life-saving services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and are completely free of charge to everyone in Hawke's Bay. For more information about our work please contact the Fundraising Team on 06 878 1630 or email mfm@hbhrt.org.nz 


Wairoa, Taharoa Motorbike Accident, Masterton

4 years ago - • 0920 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wairoa with an ICU Doctor and Flight Nurse to retrieve a male patient, aged in his 80’s, with a medical condition.
• 1454 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Taharoa (near Taupo) to a motorbike accident, where a male motorcyclist, aged in his 40’s sustained a fractured leg – he was flown to Hawkes Bay Hospital
• 1900 hours At the request of DHB flew to Wairoa Hospital, with a flight nurse, to retrieve a teenage female patient with injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
• 2025 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Masterton Hospital to uplift a male patient with a serious head injury, requiring transport to Wellington Hospital.


4 years ago - • 0945 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wairoa with an ICU Doctor and Flight Nurse to retrieve a female patient, aged in her 50’s, with a medical condition.

Motorbike Accident Havelock North

4 years ago - • 1540 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Havelock North to a motorbike accident (which would potentially require direct transport of a patient to a major trauma centre). The helicopter landed on the suburban street at the corner of Napier Road and St Hill Lane in an safe area secured by other emergency services. Unfortunately, the motorcyclist was deceased.

PLB Activation Te Haroto

4 years ago - Tasked by Air Desk to respond to a PLB activation at Te Haroto to a farm location where a female farm worker had an ‘altercation’ with a bull, and sustained spinal injuries – she was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.


4 years ago - • 1400 hours Tasked by Air Desk to a farm location at Tiniroto to a male patient aged in his 50’s with a fractured ankle – he was transported to Gisborne Hospital.

Cardiac Patient to Wellington & Wairoa

4 years ago - • 1100 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wellington with a 68 y/o male patient with a cardiac complaint.
• 1700 hours At the request of HBDHB flew to Wairoa to retrieve a female patient with pregnancy complications

MVA in Central Hawke's Bay

4 years ago - • 0500 hours Responded by Air Desk to a report of an MVA in Central Hawke’s Bay – the helicopter was stood down soon after becoming airborne.

Kahuranaki, & Takapau

4 years ago - • 1230 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Kahuranaki to a female tramper, aged in her 80’s who had a sudden collapse – she was flown to Hawkes Bay Hospital.
• 1700 hours Tasked by Air Desk to Takapau to a female patient with stroke-like symptoms – she was flown to Hawkes Bay Hospital.

Hunter's PLB Activation, and Takapau

4 years ago - • 1200 hours Tasked by Rescue Coordination Centre to a PLB activation in the Kawekas, where a hunter activated his beacon as he fell down a rocky cliff face. Upon arrival of the helicopter the hunter had recovered his position, our paramedic gave the fallen hunter a quick check-up, and determined that transport was not required.
• 2045 hours At the request of Air Desk responded to Takapua to an infant child with a medical condition – the young patient was flown to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.

Cardiac Patient to Wellington Hospital

4 years ago - • 1055 hours At the request of Air Desk met a road ambulance at our helipad for handover of a 74 y/o female patient with a cardiac issue requiring immediate transfer to Wellington Hospital.

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