Rescue Helicopter is ‘On the Ball’ with the Unison Fly-In Competition.

Rescue Helicopter is ‘On the Ball’ with the Unison Fly-In Competition.

Rugby Match Photo2On Friday 9 October, the Rescue Helicopter flew the Unison Networks Junior Rugby Fly-In Competition winner, Caleb Robinson, to McLean Park for the Magpies home game against Waikato.

Caleb was the lucky winner of the Unison competition, which wrapped up their ‘Greatest Supporter’ season encompassing junior rugby, hockey and netball.

While the final score wasn’t what we all hoped for, there were smiles at the helicopter hangar, as Caleb met some of his sporting heroes, including Hawke’s Bay Magpies Ryan Tongia and Joe Penitito, and took his first ever ride in a helicopter.

Unison Marketing Coordinator, Anna Bowley, said, “Winning the competition was an extra special surprise to Caleb, as his Dad had entered him without his knowledge. He also suffered an injury earlier this year which meant he missed most of the junior rugby season, so it was wonderful to bring a smile to his face.”

Caleb, Ryan, Joe and Caleb’s father Kenn landed on the pitch ahead of the game in front of hundreds of avid rugby fans, bringing with them the Ranfurly Shield and the game ball.  

Crewman Ian Clarke said, “From the whoops and hollas coming from the back of the helicopter I think they loved the ride. Charlie [our pilot] gave them some memories they won't forget!”

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